The digital „Automotive Suppliers‘ & Manufacturers‘ Day“ is where T-Systems connects automotive suppliers and manufacturers and presents its own solutions. Speakers from the field will present cases from their companies on video, and experts will discuss them on panels. Afterwards, participants will be able to network at a virtual exhibition and view the numerous offerings from T-Systems and partners.
How does T-Systems use
Up to now, T-Systems has offered high-quality video lectures. They are informative, but the exchange between partners, visitors and sales comes up short. The leads remain by the wayside. In addition, the numerous partners at the „Automotive Suppliers‘ & Manufacturers‘ Day“ lack a presentation space for their own products and services.
With, T-Systems is expanding the video offering to include an interactive 3D stage: here, participants can move through exhibitors‘ product worlds directly in their browsers without any installation needed first. Just like at a real trade fair, they can intuitively ask questions of the stand personnel and view product presentations.

How long does it take from the idea to implementation?
At the beginning of January 2021, T-Systems commissioned for the „Automotive Suppliers‘ & Manufacturers‘ Day“. Around four weeks later, the 3D world was ready. Experts from assisted with the layout and colour design. The individual contents at the trade fair stands, such as info PDFs, videos and individual backgrounds, are easily entered by T-Systems itself via the backend.
Which additional value does offer?
With, T-Systems gives its numerous partners, internal departments and its own solutions significantly more visibility and room for interaction. Around 200 participants visit, and more than 100 visitors move around the virtual exhibition space at the same time. They study the information material at the digital stands and engage in personal conversations, which are neglected in video-only sessions.

What does T-Systems say about
T-Systems receives a lot of positive feedback for the event from participants, partners and internally.
„Never before has a virtual trade fair been so close to reality. Real congresses have never been so virtual. A digital event’s results have never been so real.“
Joachim Klink, Head of Autonomous Driving & Smart Mobility at T-Systems International GmbH, Digital Solutions, Connected Mobility
The next event with is already being planned: in future, 3D exhibition space and video streaming will be even more closely linked and staged as an event from a single source. Videos, for example, can appear directly in on the big screen.